PromoTix Reseller

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โ€‹Important information for Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2025 ticket resellers

  1. New listings for Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2025 will be approved starting on February 1st, 2025 at 8:00 AM CST. Afterwards, all new listings will be approved Monday - Friday each day at 8:00 AM CST.
  2. New listings for Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2025 will be approved up until April 4th, 2025.
  3. In order for your listing to be approved, the contact information on your PromoTix Reseller account must match the contact information associated with your original order (selling on behalf of friends or family is not allowed).
  4. Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2025 wristbands can be listed for no more than (2x) their original purchase price.
  5. Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2025 Military wristbands cannot be listed on PromoTix Reseller.
  6. Admission tickets were delivered in the form of physical wristbands. These physical wristbands must be shipped to the buyers who purchase them.
  7. Four day chair rentals were delivered in the form of a digital .PDF file. These can be transferred to buyers via email.
  8. Sellers who are not currently in possession of their wristbands cannot attempt to list their wristbands on PromoTix Reseller.
  9. Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2025 wristband(s) purchased through PromoTix Reseller cannot be relisted on PromoTix Reseller.
  10. Sellers who resell a portion, or all of their Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2025 wristband(s) through PromoTix Reseller will no longer be eligible for the "legacy pre-sale" offer for Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2026. Tickets to Seabreeze Jazz Festival 2026 can still be purchased during the general public on-sale.
  11. Please continue reading for more important information.

Seller payouts

When a buyer purchases your ticket(s), their funds will be safely held in escrow for their protection. You will only receive your payout after you have delivered your ticket(s) to the buyer.

Once the buyer receives your ticket(s), they will have the option to either mark the order as "Completed" or dispute it. Your payout will be released from escrow once the order has been marked as "Completed."

To protect against the sale of fake tickets, buyers are allowed up until 5 days after the event start date in order to mark the order as "Completed." In the rare case that a buyer fails to mark the order as "Completed," the order will automatically be marked as "Completed" 5 days after the event start date, or 85 days after you fulfilled the order (whichever is soonest).

โ€‹Listing tickets for sale

It's easy to list and resell tickets on PromoTix Reseller.
Note: your listing must be submitted prior to the start date of the event in order to be approved.

  1. Login to your PromoTix account by clicking on the Sell a ticket button in the top right hand corner of the screen.

    Once logged in, you can click on the Sell a ticket button again in order to start creating your listing.
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  1. To start creating your listing, fill in all of the details about your listing and the ticket(s) you are selling:
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Enter in a title for your listing (usually the title of the event, and the ticket(s) you are selling)
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Enter in the title of the event that you are selling ticket(s) for
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Enter in the start date of the event
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Enter in search term(s) to help buyers find your listing (for example: "Florida," "Jazz," and "Festival")
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Select the category that best fits the event. If selecting "Music," be sure to select which genre(s) of music that best fit the event
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Detailed listing description (for example: "(2) General Admission tickets to This Awesome Event") and any other information that a buyer might find useful:
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  1. The next step is to set your price, and clarify how many ticket(s) you are selling with your listing:
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Enter a total price for your entire listing, accounting for the total number of ticket(s) that you are selling (enter in a total price, NOT an individual ticket price. If you would like to sell multiple tickets individually, you must create separate listings)
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Enter in the total number of tickets that will be transferred to the buyer when your listing is purchased
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ List seat number(s), if applicable (for example: "Row 2 Seat 100 & 101")
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  1. The next step is to enter in the venue address for the event:
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  1. The next step is to upload image(s) for your listing. IMPORTANT: DO NOT upload any image(s) of your actual ticket(s), or ticket barcode(s). If you do, someone may steal your ticket(s)!
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  1. Once you're done, click on the Publish listing button to submit your listing for review.

Payout registration and identity verification

If this is your first time submitting a listing for review, you will need to complete your payout registration. This step is mandatory in order for your listing to be approved, and in order for you to get paid when your listing sells.

Note: All sensitive information is collected and stored securely by our payment processing partner Stripe. To view Stripe's privacy policy, please click here.

  1. Enter in your phone number and email address. Afterwards, click Continue.
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  1. Enter in your legal name, email address, date of birth, home address, phone number and the last 4 digits of your SSN (you may be asked to upload a photo of your Identification Card and complete Social Security Number (SSN) for verification of your identity). Afterwards, click Continue.
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Fulfilling your order and transferring ticket(s) to the buyer

Once your listing has been approved, wait for a buyer to purchase them. Note: please allow up to 48 hours for your listing to be approved.

  1. Once a buyer has purchased your ticket(s), you will receive an email from PromoTix Reseller asking you to either accept or deny the transaction.

    IMPORTANT: once a buyer has purchased your listing, you have 3 days to accept the transaction before it is canceled and refunded automatically:
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  1. In order to accept the transaction, use your Inbox in the top right-hand corner of your PromoTix Reseller account to view the transaction:
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  1. Click on the transaction in your Inbox:
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  1. Click on the Accept button to accept the transaction. Once accepted, the buyer's payment will be processed and their funds will be held in escrow. Both you and the buyer will receive a receipt of the transaction via email.

    Note: you will likely need to collect your buyer's personal details in order to transfer your ticket(s) to them, so use the messaging platform to send a message to your buyer:
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  1. Once you have collected all of the information you need, promptly deliver your ticket(s) to the buyer and click on the Mark order as fulfilled button within 3 days to mark the order as "Fulfilled":
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ If the ticket(s) you sold are in the form of physical goods (for example: physical wristbands, lanyards, etc.): ship your physical items to the buyer. You can use your Inbox in your PromoTix Reseller account to collect the buyer's shipping information.
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ If the ticket(s) you sold were issued by PromoTix: transfer your ticket(s) to the buyer by following these instructions here.
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ If the ticket(s) you sold were NOT issued by PromoTix: transfer your ticket(s) to the buyer according to the platform's instructions that originally issued the ticket(s):
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  1. Once the buyer receives your ticket(s), they will have the option to either mark the order as "Completed" or dispute it. Your payout will be released from escrow once the order has been marked as "Completed."

    To protect against the sale of fake tickets, buyers are allowed up until 5 days after the event start date in order to mark the order as "Completed." In the rare case that a buyer fails to mark the order as "Completed," the order will automatically be marked as "Completed" 5 days after the event start date, or 85 days after you fulfilled the order (whichever is soonest).
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  1. That's it! Once the order has been marked as "Completed," your funds minus all applicable fees (please see below) will be automatically deposited into your bank account within 7 days:
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โ€‹Seller fees & sales commissions

PromoTix Reseller charges a 10% sales commission for all tickets sold through this site. Credit card processing fees are included in this commission.

โ€‹Sales taxes

PromoTix Reseller does not charge sales taxes on transactions currently through PromoTix Reseller. All sellers are responsible for calculating, collecting, and remitting any sales taxes due to their local municipalities.

โ€‹Buyer ticket service fees

PromoTix Reseller charges a 10% ticket service charge for all tickets purchased through this site. Credit card processing fees are included in this service charge.